Category Archives: Replicability

Replicability of Research in Frontiers of Psychology


The z-curve analysis of results in this journal shows (a) that many published results are based on studies with low to modest power, (b) selection for significance inflates effect size estimates and the discovery rate of reported results, and (c) there is no evidence that research practices have changed over the past decade. Readers should be careful when they interpret results and recognize that reported effect sizes are likely to overestimate real effect sizes, and that replication studies with the same sample size may fail to produce a significant result again. To avoid misleading inferences, I suggest using alpha = .005 as a criterion for valid rejections of the null-hypothesis. Using this criterion, the risk of a false positive result is below 2%. I also recommend computing a 99% confidence interval rather than the traditional 95% confidence interval for the interpretation of effect size estimates.

Given the low power of many studies, readers also need to avoid the fallacy to report non-significant results as evidence for the absence of an effect. With 50% power, the results can easily switch in a replication study so that a significant result becomes non-significant and a non-significant result becomes significant. However, selection for significance will make it more likely that significant results become non-significant than observing a change in the opposite direction.

The average power of studies in a heterogeneous journal like Frontiers of Psychology provides only circumstantial evidence for the evaluation of results. When other information is available (e.g., z-curve analysis of a discipline, author, or topic, it may be more appropriate to use this information).


Frontiers of Psychology was created in 2010 as a new online-only journal for psychology. It covers many different areas of psychology, although some areas have specialized Frontiers journals like Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

The business model of Frontiers journals relies on publishing fees of authors, while published articles are freely available to readers.

The number of articles in Frontiers of Psychology has increased quickly from 131 articles in 2010 to 8,072 articles in 2022 (source Web of Science). With over 8,000 published articles Frontiers of Psychology is an important outlet for psychological researchers to publish their work. Many specialized, print-journals publish fewer than 100 articles a year. Thus, Frontiers of Psychology offers a broad and large sample of psychological research that is equivalent to a composite of 80 or more specialized journals.

Another advantage of Frontiers of Psychology is that it has a relatively low rejection rate compared to specialized journals that have limited journal space. While high rejection rates may allow journals to prioritize exceptionally good research, articles published in Frontiers of Psychology are more likely to reflect the common research practices of psychologists.

To examine the replicability of research published in Frontiers of Psychology, I downloaded all published articles as PDF files, converted PDF files to text files, and extracted test-statistics (F, t, and z-tests) from published articles. Although this method does not capture all published results, there is no a priori reason that results reported in this format differ from other results. More importantly, changes in research practices such as higher power due to larger samples would be reflected in all statistical tests.

As Frontiers of Psychology only started shortly before the replication crisis in psychology increased awareness about the problem of low statistical power and selection for significance (publication bias), I was not able to examine replicability before 2011. I also found little evidence of changes in the years from 2010 to 2015. Therefore, I use this time period as the starting point and benchmark for future years.

Figure 1 shows a z-curve plot of results published from 2010 to 2014. All test-statistics are converted into z-scores. Z-scores greater than 1.96 (the solid red line) are statistically significant at alpha = .05 (two-sided) and typically used to claim a discovery (rejection of the null-hypothesis). Sometimes even z-scores between 1.65 (the dotted red line) and 1.96 are used to reject the null-hypothesis either as a one-sided test or as marginal significance. Using alpha = .05, the plot shows 71% significant results, which is called the observed discovery rate (ODR).

Visual inspection of the plot shows a peak of the distribution right at the significance criterion. It also shows that z-scores drop sharply on the left side of the peak when the results do not reach the criterion for significance. This wonky distribution cannot be explained with sampling error. Rather it shows a selective bias to publish significant results by means of questionable practices such as not reporting failed replication studies or inflating effect sizes by means of statistical tricks. To quantify the amount of selection bias, z-curve fits a model to the distribution of significant results and estimates the distribution of non-significant (i.e., the grey curve in the range of non-significant results). The discrepancy between the observed distribution and the expected distribution shows the file-drawer of missing non-significant results. Z-curve estimates that the reported significant results are only 31% of the estimated distribution. This is called the expected discovery rate (EDR). Thus, there are more than twice as many significant results as the statistical power of studies justifies (71% vs. 31%). Confidence intervals around these estimates show that the discrepancy is not just due to chance, but active selection for significance.

Using a formula developed by Soric (1989), it is possible to estimate the false discovery risk (FDR). That is, the probability that a significant result was obtained without a real effect (a type-I error). The estimated FDR is 12%. This may not be alarming, but the risk varies as a function of the strength of evidence (the magnitude of the z-score). Z-scores that correspond to p-values close to p =.05 have a higher false positive risk and large z-scores have a smaller false positive risk. Moreover, even true results are unlikely to replicate when significance was obtained with inflated effect sizes. The most optimistic estimate of replicability is the expected replication rate (ERR) of 69%. This estimate, however, assumes that a study can be replicated exactly, including the same sample size. Actual replication rates are often lower than the ERR and tend to fall between the EDR and ERR. Thus, the predicted replication rate is around 50%. This is slightly higher than the replication rate in the Open Science Collaboration replication of 100 studies which was 37%.

Figure 2 examines how things have changed in the next five years.

The observed discovery rate decreased slightly, but statistically significantly, from 71% to 66%. This shows that researchers reported more non-significant results. The expected discovery rate increased from 31% to 40%, but the overlapping confidence intervals imply that this is not a statistically significant increase at the alpha = .01 level. (if two 95%CI do not overlap, the difference is significant at around alpha = .01). Although smaller, the difference between the ODR of 60% and the EDR of 40% is statistically significant and shows that selection for significance continues. The ERR estimate did not change, indicating that significant results are not obtained with more power. Overall, these results show only modest improvements, suggesting that most researchers who publish in Frontiers in Psychology continue to conduct research in the same way as they did before, despite ample discussions about the need for methodological reforms such as a priori power analysis and reporting of non-significant results.

The results for 2020 show that the increase in the EDR was a statistical fluke rather than a trend. The EDR returned to the level of 2010-2015 (29% vs. 31), but the ODR remained lower than in the beginning, showing slightly more reporting of non-significant results. The size of the file drawer remains large with an ODR of 66% and an EDR of 72%.

The EDR results for 2021 look again better, but the difference to 2020 is not statistically significant. Moreover, the results in 2022 show a lower EDR that matches the EDR in the beginning.

Overall, these results show that results published in Frontiers in Psychology are selected for significance. While the observed discovery rate is in the upper 60%s, the expected discovery rate is around 35%. Thus, the ODR is nearly twice the rate of the power of studies to produce these results. Most concerning is that a decade of meta-psychological discussions about research practices has not produced any notable changes in the amount of selection bias or the power of studies to produce replicable results.

How should readers of Frontiers in Psychology articles deal with this evidence that some published results were obtained with low power and inflated effect sizes that will not replicate? One solution is to retrospectively change the significance criterion. Comparisons of the evidence in original studies and replication outcomes suggest that studies with a p-value below .005 tend to replicate at a rate of 80%, whereas studies with just significant p-values (.050 to .005) replicate at a much lower rate (Schimmack, 2022). Demanding stronger evidence also reduces the false positive risk. This is illustrated in the last figure that uses results from all years, given the lack of any time trend.

In the Figure the red solid line moved to z = 2.8; the value that corresponds to p = .005, two-sided. Using this more stringent criterion for significance, only 45% of the z-scores are significant. Another 25% were significant with alpha = .05, but are no longer significant with alpha = .005. As power decreases when alpha is set to more stringent, lower, levels, the EDR is also reduced to only 21%. Thus, there is still selection for significance. However, the more effective significance filter also selects for more studies with high power and the ERR remains at 72%, even with alpha = .005 for the replication study. If the replication study used the traditional alpha level of .05, the ERR would be even higher, which explains the finding that the actual replication rate for studies with p < .005 is about 80%.

The lower alpha also reduces the risk of false positive results, even though the EDR is reduced. The FDR is only 2%. Thus, the null-hypothesis is unlikely to be true. The caveat is that the standard null-hypothesis in psychology is the nil-hypothesis and that the population effect size might be too small to be of practical significance. Thus, readers who interpret results with p-values below .005 should also evaluate the confidence interval around the reported effect size, using the more conservative 99% confidence interval that correspondence to alpha = .005 rather than the traditional 95% confidence interval. In many cases, this confidence interval is likely to be wide and provide insufficient information about the strength of an effect.

Predicting Replication Outcomes: Prediction Markets vs. R-Index


Gordon et al. (2021) conducted a meta-analysis of 103 studies that were included in prediction markets to forecast the outcome of replication studies. The results show that prediction markets can forecast replication outcomes above chance levels, but the value of this information is limited. Without actual replication studies, it remains unclear which published results can be trusted or not. Here I compare the performance of prediction markets to the R-Index and the closely related p < .005 rule. These statistical forecasts perform nearly as well as markets and are much easier to use to make sense of thousands of published articles. However, even these methods have a high failure rate. The best solution to this problem is to rely on meta-analyses of studies rather than to predict the outcome of a single study. In addition to meta-analyses, it will be necessary to conduct new studies that are conducted with high scientific integrity to provide solid empirical foundations for psychology. Claims that are not supported by bias-corrected meta-analyses or new preregistered studies are merely suggestive and currently lack empirical support.


Since 2011, it became apparent that many published results in psychology, especially social psychology fail to replicate in direct replication studies (Open Science Collaboration, 2015). In social psychology the success rate of replication studies is so low (25%) that it makes sense to bet on replication failures. This would produce 75% successful outcomes, but it would also imply that an entire literature has to be discarded.

It is practically impossible to redo all of the published studies to assess their replicability. Thus, several projects have attempted to predict replication outcomes of individual studies. One strategy is to conduct prediction markets in which participants can earn real money by betting on replication outcomes. There have been four prediction markets with a total of 103 studies with known replication outcomes (Gordon et al., 2021). The key findings are summarized in Table 1.

Markets have a good overall success rate, (28+47)/103 = 73% that is above chance (flipping a coin). Prediction markets are better at predicting failures, 28/31 = 90%, than predicting successes, 47/72 = 65%. The modest success rate for success is a problem because it would be more valuable to be able to identify studies that will replicate and do not require a new study to verify the results.

Another strategy to predict replication outcomes relies on the fact that the p-values of original studies and the p-values of replication studies are influenced by the statistical power of a study (Brunner & Schimmack, 2020). Studies with higher power are more likely to produce lower p-values and more likely to produce significant p-values in replication studies. As a result, p-values also contain valuable information about replication outcomes. Gordon et al. (2021) used p < .005 as a rule to predict replication outcomes. Table 2 shows the performance of this simple rule.

The overall success rate of this rule is nearly as good as the prediction markets, (39+35)/103 = 72%; a difference by k = 1 studies. The rule does not predict failures as well as the markets, 39/54 = 72% (vs. 90%), but it predicts successes slightly better than the markets, 35/49 = 71% (vs. 65%).

A logistic regression analysis showed that both predictors independently contribute to the prediction of replication outcomes, market b = 2.50, se = .68, p = .0002; p < .005 rule: b = 1.44, se = .48, p = .003.

In short, p-values provide valuable information about the outcome of replication studies.

The R-Index

Although a correlation between p-values and replication outcomes follows logically from the influence of power on p-values in original and replication studies, the cut-off value of .005 appears to be arbitrary. Gordon et al. (2017) justify its choice with an article by Benjamin et al. (2017) that recommended a lower significance level (alpha) to ensure a lower false positive risk. Moreover, they advocated for this rule for new studies that preregister hypotheses and do not suffer from selection bias. In contrast, the replication crisis was caused by selection for significance which produced success rates of 90% or more in psychology journals (Motyl et al., 2017; Sterling, 1959; Sterling et al., 1995). One main reason for replication failures is that selection for significance inflates effect sizes and due to regression to the mean, effect sizes in replication studies are bound to be weaker, resulting in non-significant results, especially if the original p-value was close to the threshold value of alpha = .05. The Open Science Collaboration (2015) replicability project showed that effect sizes are on average inflated by over 100%.

The R-Index provides a theoretical rational for the choice of a cut-off value for p-values. The theoretical cutoff value happens to be p = .0084. The fact that it is close to Benjamin et al.’s (2017) value of .005 is merely a coincidence.

P-values can be transformed into estimates of the statistical power of a study. These estimates rely on the observed effect size of a study and are sometimes called observed power or post-hoc power because power is computed after the results of a study are known. Figure 1 illustrates observed power with an example of a z-test that produced a z-statistic of 2.8 which corresponds to a two-sided p-value of .005.

A p-value of .005 corresponds to z-value of 2.8 for the standard normal distribution centered over zero (the nil-hypothesis). The standard level of statistical significance, alpha = .05 (two-sided) corresponds to z-value of 1.96. Figure 1 shows the sampling distribution of studies with a non-central z-score of 2.8. The green line cuts this distribution into a smaller area of 20% below the significance level and a larger area of 80% above the significance level. Thus, the observed power is 80%.

Selection for significance implies truncating the normal distribution at the level of significance. This means the 20% of non-significant results are discarded. As a result, the median of the truncated distribution is higher than the median of the full normal distribution. The new median can be found using the truncnorm package in R.

qtruncnorm(.5,a = qnorm(1-.05/2),mean=2.8) = 3.05

This value corresponds to an observed power of

qnorm(3.05,qnorm(1-.05/2) = .86

Thus, selection for significance inflates observed power of 80% to 86%. The amount of inflation is larger when power is lower. With 20% power, the inflated power after selection for significance is 67%.

Figure 3 shows the relationship between inflated power on the x-axis and adjusted power on the y-axis. The blue curve uses the truncnorm package. The green line shows the simplified R-Index that simply substracts the amount of inflation from the inflated power. For example, if inflated power is 86%, the inflation is 1-.86 = 14% and subtracting the inflation gives an R-Index of 86-14 = 82%. This is close to the actual value of 80% that produced the inflated value of 86%.

Figure 4 shows that the R-Index is conservative (underestimates power) when power is over 50%, but is liberal (overestimates power) when power is below 50%. The two methods are identical when power is 50% and inflated power is 75%. This is a fortunate co-incidence because studies with more than 50% power are expected to replicate and studies with less than 50% power are expected to fail in a replication attempt. Thus, the simple R-Index makes the same dichotomous predictions about replication outcomes as the more sophisticated approach to find the median of the truncated normal distribution.

The inflated power for actual power of 50% is 75% and 75% power corresponds to a z-score of 2.63, which in turn corresponds to a p-value of p = .0084.

Performance of the R-Index is slightly worse than the p < .005 rule because the R-Index predicts 5 more successes, but 4 of these predictions are failures. Given the small sample size, it is not clear whether this difference is reliable.

In sum, the R-Index is based on a transformation of p-values into estimates of statistical power, while taking into account that observed power is inflated when studies are selected for significance. It provides a theoretical rational for the atheoretical p < .005 rule, because this rule roughly cuts p-values into p-values with more or less than 50% power.

Predicting Success Rates

The overall success rate across the 103 replication studies was 50/103 = 49%. This percentage cannot be generalized to a specific population of studies because the 103 are not a representative sample of studies. Only the Open Science Collaboration project used somewhat representative sampling. However, the 49% success rate can be compared to the success rates of different prediction methods. For example, prediction markets predict a success rate of 72/103 = 70%, a significant difference (Gordon et al., 2021). In contrast, the R-Index predicts a success rate of 54/103 = 52%, which is closer to the actual success rate. The p < .005 rule does even better with a predicted success rate of 49/103 = 48%.

Another method that has been developed to estimate the expected replication rate is z-curve (Bartos & Schimmack, 2021; Brunner & Schimmack, 2020). Z-curve transforms p-values into z-scores and then fits a finite mixture model to the distribution of significant p-values. Figure 5 illustrates z-curve with the p-values from the 103 replicated studies.

The z-curve estimate of the expected replication rate is 60%. This is better than the prediction market, but worse than the R-Index or the p < .005 rule. However, the 95%CI around the ERR includes the true value of 49%. Thus, sampling error alone might explain this discrepancy. However, Bartos and Schimmack (2021) discussed several other reasons why the ERR may overestimate the success rate of actual replication studies. One reason is that actual replication studies are not perfect replicas of the original studies. So called, hidden moderators may create differences between original and replication studies. In this case, selection for significance produces even more inflation that the model assumes. In the worst case scenario, a better estimate of actual replication outcomes might be the expected discovery rate (EDR), which is the power of all studies that were conducted, including non-significant studies. The EDR for the 103 studies is 28%, but the 95%CI is wide and includes the actual rate of 49%. Thus, the dataset is too small to decide between the ERR or the EDR as best estimates of actual replication outcomes. At present it is best to consider the EDR the worst possible and the ERR the best possible scenario and to expect the actual replication rate to fall within this interval.

Social Psychology

The 103 studies cover studies from experimental economics, cognitive psychology, and social psychology. Social psychology has the largest set of studies (k = 54) and the lowest success rate, 33%. The prediction markets overpredict successes, 50%. The R-Index also overpredicted successes, 46%. The p < .005 rule had the least amount of bias, 41%.

Z-curve predicted an ERR of 55% s and the actual success rate fell outside the 95% confidence interval, 34% to 74%. The EDR of 22% underestimates the success rate, but the 95%CI is wide and includes the true value, 95%CI = 5% to 70%. Once more the actual success rate is between the EDR and the ERR estimates, 22% < 34% < 55%.

In short, prediction models appear to overpredict replication outcomes in social psychology. One reason for this might be that hidden moderators make it difficult to replicate studies in social psychology which adds additional uncertainty to the outcome of replication studies.

Regarding predictions of individual studies, prediction markets achieved an overall success rate of 76%. Prediction markets were good at predicting failures, 25/27 = 93%, but not so good in predicting successes, 16/27 = 59%.

The R-Index performed as well as the prediction markets with one more prediction of a replication failure.

The p < .005 rule was the best predictor because it predicted more replication failures.

Performance could be increased by combining prediction markets and the R-Index and only bet on successes when both predictors predicted a success. In particular, the prediction of success improved to 14/19 = 74%. However, due to the small sample size it is not clear whether this is a reliable finding.

Non-Social Studies

The remaining k = 56 studies had a higher success rate, 65%. The prediction markets overpredicted success, 92%. The R-Index underpredicted successes, 59%. The p < .005 rule underpredicted successes even more.

This time z-curve made the best prediction with an ERR of 67%, 95%CI = 45% to 86%. The EDR underestimates the replication rate, although the 95%CI is very wide and includes the actual success rate, 5% to 81%. The fact that z-curve overestimated replicability for social psychology, but not for other areas, suggests that hidden moderators may contribute to the replication problems in social psychology.

For predictions of individual outcomes, prediction markets had a success rate of (3 + 31)/49 = 76%. The good performance is due to the high success rate. Simply betting on success would have produced 32/49 = 65% successes. Predictions of failures had a s success rate of 3/4 = 75% and predictions of successes had a success rate of 31/45 = 69%.

The R-Index had a lower success rate of (9 +21)/49 = 61%. The R-Index was particularly poor at predicting failures, 9/20 = 45%, but was slightly better at predicting successes than the prediction markets, 21/29 = 72%.

The p < .500 rule had a success rate equal to the R-Index, (10 + 20)/49 = 61%, with one more correctly predicted failure and one less correctly predicted success.


The present results reproduce the key findings of Gordon et al. (2021). First, prediction markets overestimate the success of actual replication studies. Second, prediction markets have some predictive validity in forecasting the outcome of individual replication studies. Third, a simple rule based on p-values also can forecast replication outcomes.

The present results also extend Gordon et al.’s (2021) findings based on additional analyses. First, I compared the performance of prediction markets to z-curve as a method for the prediction of the success rates of replication outcomes (Bartos & Schimmack, 2021; Brunner & Schimmack, 2021). Z-curve overpredicted success rates for all studies and for social psychology, but was very accurate for the remaining studies (economics, cognition). In all three comparisons, z-curve performed better than prediction markets. Z-curve also has several additional advantages over prediction markets. First, it is much easier to code a large set of test statistics than to run prediction markets. As a result, z-curve has already been used to estimate the replication rates for social psychology based on thousands of test statistics, whereas estimates of prediction markets are based on just over 50 studies. Second, z-curve is based on sound statistical principles that link the outcomes of original studies to the outcomes of replication studies (Brunner & Schimmack, 2020). In contrast, prediction markets rest on unknown knowledge of market participants that can vary across markets. Third, z-curve estimates are provided with validated information about the uncertainty in the estimates, whereas prediction markets provide no information about uncertainty and uncertainty is large because markets tend to be small. In conclusion, z-curve is more efficient and provides better estimates of replication rates than prediction markets.

The main goal of prediction markets is to assess the credibility of individual studies. Ideally, prediction markets would help consumers of published research to distinguish between studies that produced real findings (true positives) and studies that produced false findings (false positives) without the need to run additional studies. The encouraging finding is that prediction markets have some predictive validity and can distinguish between studies that replicate and studies that do not replicate. However, to be practically useful it is necessary to assess the practical usefulness of the information that is provided by prediction markets. Here we need to distinguish the practical consequences of replication failures and successes. Within the statistical framework of nil-hypothesis significance testing, successes and failures have different consequences.

A replication failure increases uncertainty about the original finding. Thus, more research is needed to understand why the results diverged. This is also true for market predictions. Predictions that a study would fail to replicate cast doubt about the original study, but do not provide conclusive evidence that the original study reported a false positive result. Thus, further studies are needed, even if a market predicts a failure. In contrast, successes are more informative. Replicating a previous finding successfully strengthens the original findings and provides fairly strong evidence that a finding was not a false positive result. Unfortunately, the mere prediction that a finding will replicate does not provide the same reassurance because markets only have an accuracy of about 70% when they predict a successful replication. The p < .500 rule is much easier to implement, but its ability to forecast successes is also around 70%. Thus, neither markets nor a simple statistical rule are accurate enough to avoid actual replication studies.


The main problem of prediction markets and other forecasting projects is that single studies are rarely enough to provide evidence that is strong enough to evaluate theoretical claims. It is therefore not particularly important whether one study can be replicated successfully or not, especially when direct replications are difficult or impossible. For this reason, psychologists have relied for a long time on meta-analyses of similar studies to evaluate theoretical claims.

It is surprising that prediction markets have forecasted the outcome of studies that have been replicated many times before the outcome of a new replication study was predicted. Take the replication of Schwarz, Strack, and Mai (1991) in Many Labs 2 as an example. This study manipulated the item-order of questions about marital satisfaction and life-satisfaction and suggested that a question about marital satisfaction can prime information that is used in life-satisfaction judgments. Schimmack and Oishi (2005) conducted a meta-analysis of the literature and showed that the results by Schwarz et al. (1991) were unusual and that the actual effect size is much smaller. Apparently, the market participants were unaware of this meta-analysis and predicted that the original result would replicate successfully (probability of success = 72%). Contrary to the market, the study failed to replicate. This example suggests that meta-analyses might be more valuable than prediction markets or the p-value of a single study.

The main obstacle for the use of meta-analyses is that many published meta-analyses fail to take selection for significance into account and overestimate replicability. However, new statistical methods that correct for selection bias may address this problem. The R-Index is a rather simple tool that allows to correct for selection bias in small sets of studies. I use the article by Nairne et al. (2008) that was used for the OSC project as an example. The replication project focused on Study 2 that produced a p-value of .026. Based on this weak evidence alone, the R-Index would predict a replication failure (observed power = .61, inflation = .39, R-Index = .61 – .39 = .22). However, Study 1 produced much more convincing evidence for the effect, p = .0007. If this study had been picked for the replication attempt, the R-Index would have predicted a successful outcome (observed power = .92, inflation = .08, R-Index = .84). A meta-analysis would average across the two power estimates and also predict a successful replication outcome (mean observed power = .77, inflation = .23, R-Index = .53). The actual replication study was significant with p = .007 (observed power = .77, inflation = .23, R-Index = .53). A meta-analysis across all three studies also suggests that the next study will be a successful replication (R-Index = .53), but the R-Index also shows that replication failures are likely because the studies have relatively low power. In short, prediction markets may be useful when only a single study is available, but meta-analysis are likely to be superior predictors of replication outcomes when prior replication studies are available.


Gordon et al. (2021) conducted a meta-analysis of 103 studies that were included in prediction markets to forecast the outcome of replication studies. The results show that prediction markets can forecast replication outcomes above chance levels, but the value of this information is limited. Without actual replication studies, it remains unclear which published results can be trusted or not. Statistical methods that simply focus on the strength of evidence in original studies perform nearly as well and are much easier to use to make sense of thousands of published articles. However, even these methods have a high failure rate. The best solution to this problem is to rely on meta-analyses of studies rather than to predict the outcome of a single study. In addition to meta-analyses, it will be necessary to conduct new studies that are conducted with high scientific integrity to provide solid empirical foundations for psychology.

Replicability Rankings 2010-2020

Welcome to the replicability rankings for 120 psychology journals. More information about the statistical method that is used to create the replicability rankings can be found elsewhere (Z-Curve; Video Tutorial; Talk; Examples). The rankings are based on automated extraction of test statistics from all articles published in these 120 journals from 2010 to 2020 (data). The results can be reproduced with the R-package zcurve.

To give a brief explanation of the method, I use the journal with the highest ranking and the journal with the lowest ranking as examples. Figure 1 shows the z-curve plot for the 2nd highest ranking journal for the year 2020 (the Journal of Organizational Psychology is ranked #1, but it has very few test statistics). Plots for all journals that include additional information and information about test statistics are available by clicking on the journal name. Plots for previous years can be found on the site for the 2010-2019 rankings (previous rankings).

To create the z-curve plot in Figure 1, the 361 test statistics were first transformed into exact p-values that were then transformed into absolute z-scores. Thus, each value represents the deviation from zero for a standard normal distribution. A value of 1.96 (solid red line) corresponds to the standard criterion for significance, p = .05 (two-tailed). The dashed line represents the treshold for marginal significance, p = .10 (two-tailed). A z-curve analysis fits a finite mixture model to the distribution of the significant z-scores (the blue density distribution on the right side of the solid red line). The distribution provides information about the average power of studies that produced a significant result. As power determines the success rate in future studies, power after selection for significance is used to estimate replicability. For the present data, the z-curve estimate of the replication rate is 84%. The bootstrapped 95% confidence interval around this estimate ranges from 75% to 92%. Thus, we would expect the majority of these significant results to replicate.

However, the graph also shows some evidence that questionable research practices produce too many significant results. The observed discovery rate (i.e., the percentage of p-values below .05) is 82%. This is outside of the 95%CI of the estimated discovery rate which is represented by the grey line in the range of non-significant results; EDR = .31%, 95%CI = 18% to 81%. We see that there are fewer results reported than z-curve predicts. This finding casts doubt about the replicability of the just significant p-values. The replicability rankings ignore this problem, which means that the predicted success rates are overly optimistic. A more pessimistic predictor of the actual success rate is the EDR. However, the ERR still provides useful information to compare power of studies across journals and over time.

Figure 2 shows a journal with a low ERR in 2020.

The estimated replication rate is 64%, with a 95%CI ranging from 55% to 73%. The 95%CI does not overlap with the 95%CI for the Journal of Sex Research, indicating that this is a significant difference in replicability. Visual inspection also shows clear evidence for the use of questionable research practices with a lot more results that are just significant than results that are not significant. The observed discovery rate of 75% is inflated and outside the 95%CI of the EDR that ranges from 10% to 56%.

To examine time trends, I regressed the ERR of each year on the year and computed the predicted values and 95%CI. Figure 3 shows the results for the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science as an example (x = 0 is 2010, x = 1 is 2020). The upper bound of the 95%CI for 2010, 62%, is lower than the lower bound of the 95%CI for 2020, 74%.

This shows a significant difference with alpha = .01. I use alpha = .01 so that only 1.2 out of the 120 journals are expected to show a significant change in either direction by chance alone. There are 22 journals with a significant increase in the ERR and no journals with a significant decrease. This shows that about 20% of these journals have responded to the crisis of confidence by publishing studies with higher power that are more likely to replicate.

Rank  JournalObserved 2020Predicted 2020Predicted 2010
1Journal of Organizational Psychology88 [69 ; 99]84 [75 ; 93]73 [64 ; 81]
2Journal of Sex Research84 [75 ; 92]84 [74 ; 93]75 [65 ; 84]
3Evolution & Human Behavior84 [74 ; 93]83 [77 ; 90]62 [56 ; 68]
4Judgment and Decision Making81 [74 ; 88]83 [77 ; 89]68 [62 ; 75]
5Personality and Individual Differences81 [76 ; 86]81 [78 ; 83]68 [65 ; 71]
6Addictive Behaviors82 [75 ; 89]81 [77 ; 86]71 [67 ; 75]
7Depression & Anxiety84 [76 ; 91]81 [77 ; 85]67 [63 ; 71]
8Cognitive Psychology83 [75 ; 90]81 [76 ; 87]71 [65 ; 76]
9Social Psychological and Personality Science85 [78 ; 92]81 [74 ; 89]54 [46 ; 62]
10Journal of Experimental Psychology – General80 [75 ; 85]80 [79 ; 81]67 [66 ; 69]
11J. of Exp. Psychology – Learning, Memory & Cognition81 [75 ; 87]80 [77 ; 84]73 [70 ; 77]
12Journal of Memory and Language79 [73 ; 86]80 [76 ; 83]73 [69 ; 77]
13Cognitive Development81 [75 ; 88]80 [75 ; 85]67 [62 ; 72]
14Sex Roles81 [74 ; 88]80 [75 ; 85]72 [67 ; 77]
15Developmental Psychology74 [67 ; 81]80 [75 ; 84]67 [63 ; 72]
16Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology77 [65 ; 90]80 [73 ; 86]74 [68 ; 81]
17Journal of Nonverbal Behavior73 [59 ; 84]80 [68 ; 91]65 [53 ; 77]
18Memory and Cognition81 [73 ; 87]79 [77 ; 81]75 [73 ; 77]
19Cognition79 [74 ; 84]79 [76 ; 82]70 [68 ; 73]
20Psychology and Aging81 [74 ; 87]79 [75 ; 84]74 [69 ; 79]
21Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology83 [76 ; 91]79 [75 ; 83]75 [71 ; 79]
22Psychonomic Bulletin and Review79 [72 ; 86]79 [75 ; 83]71 [67 ; 75]
23Journal of Experimental Social Psychology78 [73 ; 84]79 [75 ; 82]52 [48 ; 55]
24JPSP-Attitudes & Social Cognition82 [75 ; 88]79 [69 ; 89]55 [45 ; 65]
25European Journal of Developmental Psychology75 [64 ; 86]79 [68 ; 91]74 [62 ; 85]
26Journal of Business and Psychology82 [71 ; 91]79 [68 ; 90]74 [63 ; 85]
27Psychology of Religion and Spirituality79 [71 ; 88]79 [66 ; 92]72 [59 ; 85]
28J. of Exp. Psychology – Human Perception and Performance79 [73 ; 84]78 [77 ; 80]75 [73 ; 77]
29Attention, Perception and Psychophysics77 [72 ; 82]78 [75 ; 82]73 [70 ; 76]
30Psychophysiology79 [74 ; 84]78 [75 ; 82]66 [62 ; 70]
31Psychological Science77 [72 ; 84]78 [75 ; 82]57 [54 ; 61]
32Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology81 [75 ; 86]78 [75 ; 81]72 [69 ; 74]
33Journal of Child and Family Studies80 [73 ; 87]78 [74 ; 82]67 [63 ; 70]
34JPSP-Interpersonal Relationships and Group Processes81 [74 ; 88]78 [73 ; 82]53 [49 ; 58]
35Journal of Behavioral Decision Making77 [70 ; 86]78 [72 ; 84]66 [60 ; 72]
36Appetite78 [73 ; 84]78 [72 ; 83]72 [67 ; 78]
37Journal of Comparative Psychology79 [65 ; 91]78 [71 ; 85]68 [61 ; 75]
38Journal of Religion and Health77 [57 ; 94]78 [70 ; 87]75 [67 ; 84]
39Aggressive Behaviours82 [74 ; 90]78 [70 ; 86]70 [62 ; 78]
40Journal of Health Psychology74 [64 ; 82]78 [70 ; 86]72 [64 ; 80]
41Journal of Social Psychology78 [70 ; 87]78 [70 ; 86]69 [60 ; 77]
42Law and Human Behavior81 [71 ; 90]78 [69 ; 87]70 [61 ; 78]
43Psychological Medicine76 [68 ; 85]78 [66 ; 89]74 [63 ; 86]
44Political Psychology73 [59 ; 85]78 [65 ; 92]59 [46 ; 73]
45Acta Psychologica81 [75 ; 88]77 [74 ; 81]73 [70 ; 76]
46Experimental Psychology73 [62 ; 83]77 [73 ; 82]73 [68 ; 77]
47Archives of Sexual Behavior77 [69 ; 83]77 [73 ; 81]78 [74 ; 82]
48British Journal of Psychology73 [65 ; 81]77 [72 ; 82]74 [68 ; 79]
49Journal of Cognitive Psychology77 [69 ; 84]77 [72 ; 82]74 [69 ; 78]
50Journal of Experimental Psychology – Applied82 [75 ; 88]77 [72 ; 82]70 [65 ; 76]
51Asian Journal of Social Psychology79 [66 ; 89]77 [70 ; 84]70 [63 ; 77]
52Journal of Youth and Adolescence80 [71 ; 89]77 [70 ; 84]72 [66 ; 79]
53Memory77 [71 ; 84]77 [70 ; 83]71 [65 ; 77]
54European Journal of Social Psychology82 [75 ; 89]77 [69 ; 84]61 [53 ; 69]
55Social Psychology81 [73 ; 90]77 [67 ; 86]73 [63 ; 82]
56Perception82 [74 ; 88]76 [72 ; 81]78 [74 ; 83]
57Journal of Anxiety Disorders80 [71 ; 89]76 [72 ; 80]71 [67 ; 75]
58Personal Relationships65 [54 ; 76]76 [68 ; 84]62 [54 ; 70]
59Evolutionary Psychology63 [51 ; 75]76 [67 ; 85]77 [68 ; 86]
60Journal of Research in Personality63 [46 ; 77]76 [67 ; 84]70 [61 ; 79]
61Cognitive Behaviour Therapy88 [73 ; 99]76 [66 ; 86]68 [58 ; 79]
62Emotion79 [73 ; 85]75 [72 ; 79]67 [64 ; 71]
63Animal Behavior79 [72 ; 87]75 [71 ; 80]68 [64 ; 73]
64Group Processes & Intergroup Relations80 [73 ; 87]75 [71 ; 80]60 [56 ; 65]
65JPSP-Personality Processes and Individual Differences78 [70 ; 86]75 [70 ; 79]64 [59 ; 69]
66Psychology of Men and Masculinity88 [77 ; 96]75 [64 ; 87]78 [67 ; 89]
67Consciousness and Cognition74 [67 ; 80]74 [69 ; 80]67 [62 ; 73]
68Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin78 [72 ; 84]74 [69 ; 79]57 [52 ; 62]
69Journal of Cognition and Development70 [60 ; 80]74 [67 ; 81]65 [59 ; 72]
70Journal of Applied Psychology69 [59 ; 78]74 [67 ; 80]73 [66 ; 79]
71European Journal of Personality80 [67 ; 92]74 [65 ; 83]70 [61 ; 79]
72Journal of Positive Psychology75 [65 ; 86]74 [65 ; 83]66 [57 ; 75]
73Journal of Research on Adolescence83 [74 ; 92]74 [62 ; 87]67 [55 ; 79]
74Psychopharmacology75 [69 ; 80]73 [71 ; 75]67 [65 ; 69]
75Frontiers in Psychology75 [70 ; 79]73 [70 ; 76]72 [69 ; 75]
76Cognitive Therapy and Research73 [66 ; 81]73 [68 ; 79]67 [62 ; 73]
77Behaviour Research and Therapy70 [63 ; 77]73 [67 ; 79]70 [64 ; 76]
78Journal of Educational Psychology82 [73 ; 89]73 [67 ; 79]76 [70 ; 82]
79British Journal of Social Psychology74 [65 ; 83]73 [66 ; 81]61 [54 ; 69]
80Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes70 [65 ; 77]72 [69 ; 75]67 [63 ; 70]
81Cognition and Emotion75 [68 ; 81]72 [68 ; 76]72 [68 ; 76]
82Journal of Affective Disorders75 [69 ; 83]72 [68 ; 76]74 [71 ; 78]
83Behavioural Brain Research76 [71 ; 80]72 [67 ; 76]70 [66 ; 74]
84Child Development81 [75 ; 88]72 [66 ; 78]68 [62 ; 74]
85Journal of Abnormal Psychology71 [60 ; 82]72 [66 ; 77]65 [60 ; 71]
86Journal of Vocational Behavior70 [59 ; 82]72 [65 ; 79]84 [77 ; 91]
87Journal of Experimental Child Psychology72 [66 ; 78]71 [69 ; 74]72 [69 ; 75]
88Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology81 [73 ; 88]71 [64 ; 78]62 [55 ; 69]
89Psychology of Music78 [67 ; 86]71 [64 ; 78]79 [72 ; 86]
90Behavior Therapy78 [69 ; 86]71 [63 ; 78]70 [63 ; 78]
91Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology66 [51 ; 79]71 [62 ; 80]87 [79 ; 96]
92Journal of Happiness Studies75 [65 ; 83]71 [61 ; 81]79 [70 ; 89]
93Journal of Occupational Health Psychology77 [65 ; 90]71 [58 ; 83]65 [52 ; 77]
94Journal of Individual Differences77 [62 ; 92]71 [51 ; 90]74 [55 ; 94]
95Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience70 [63 ; 76]70 [66 ; 75]66 [62 ; 71]
96Journal of Applied Social Psychology76 [67 ; 84]70 [63 ; 76]70 [64 ; 77]
97British Journal of Developmental Psychology72 [62 ; 81]70 [62 ; 79]76 [67 ; 85]
98Journal of Social and Personal Relationships73 [63 ; 81]70 [60 ; 79]69 [60 ; 79]
99Behavioral Neuroscience65 [57 ; 73]69 [64 ; 75]69 [63 ; 75]
100Psychology and Marketing71 [64 ; 77]69 [64 ; 74]67 [63 ; 72]
101Journal of Family Psychology71 [59 ; 81]69 [63 ; 75]62 [56 ; 68]
102Journal of Personality71 [57 ; 85]69 [62 ; 77]64 [57 ; 72]
103Journal of Consumer Behaviour70 [60 ; 81]69 [59 ; 79]73 [63 ; 83]
104Motivation and Emotion78 [70 ; 86]69 [59 ; 78]66 [57 ; 76]
105Developmental Science67 [60 ; 74]68 [65 ; 71]65 [63 ; 68]
106International Journal of Psychophysiology67 [61 ; 73]68 [64 ; 73]64 [60 ; 69]
107Self and Identity80 [72 ; 87]68 [60 ; 76]70 [62 ; 78]
108Journal of Counseling Psychology57 [41 ; 71]68 [55 ; 81]79 [66 ; 92]
109Health Psychology63 [50 ; 73]67 [62 ; 72]67 [61 ; 72]
110Hormones and Behavior67 [58 ; 73]66 [63 ; 70]66 [62 ; 70]
111Frontiers in Human Neuroscience68 [62 ; 75]66 [62 ; 70]76 [72 ; 80]
112Annals of Behavioral Medicine63 [53 ; 75]66 [60 ; 71]71 [65 ; 76]
113Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines58 [45 ; 69]66 [55 ; 76]63 [53 ; 73]
114Infancy77 [69 ; 85]65 [56 ; 73]58 [50 ; 67]
115Biological Psychology64 [58 ; 70]64 [61 ; 67]66 [63 ; 69]
116Social Development63 [54 ; 73]64 [56 ; 72]74 [66 ; 82]
117Developmental Psychobiology62 [53 ; 70]63 [58 ; 68]67 [62 ; 72]
118Journal of Consumer Research59 [53 ; 67]63 [55 ; 71]58 [50 ; 66]
119Psychoneuroendocrinology63 [53 ; 72]62 [58 ; 66]61 [57 ; 65]
120Journal of Consumer Psychology64 [55 ; 73]62 [57 ; 67]60 [55 ; 65]

Personalized P-Values for Social/Personality Psychologists

Last update 8/25/2021
(expanded to 410 social/personality psychologists; included Dan Ariely)


Since Fisher invented null-hypothesis significance testing, researchers have used p < .05 as a statistical criterion to interpret results as discoveries worthwhile of discussion (i.e., the null-hypothesis is false). Once published, these results are often treated as real findings even though alpha does not control the risk of false discoveries.

Statisticians have warned against the exclusive reliance on p < .05, but nearly 100 years after Fisher popularized this approach, it is still the most common way to interpret data. The main reason is that many attempts to improve on this practice have failed. The main problem is that a single statistical result is difficult to interpret. However, when individual results are interpreted in the context of other results, they become more informative. Based on the distribution of p-values it is possible to estimate the maximum false discovery rate (Bartos & Schimmack, 2020; Jager & Leek, 2014). This approach can be applied to the p-values published by individual authors to adjust p-values to keep the risk of false discoveries at a reasonable level, FDR < .05.

Researchers who mainly test true hypotheses with high power have a high discovery rate (many p-values below .05) and a low false discovery rate (FDR < .05). Figure 1 shows an example of a researcher who followed this strategy (for a detailed description of z-curve plots, see Schimmack, 2021).

We see that out of the 317 test-statistics retrieved from his articles, 246 were significant with alpha = .05. This is an observed discovery rate of 78%. We also see that this discovery rate closely matches the estimated discovery rate based on the distribution of the significant p-values, p < .05. The EDR is 79%. With an EDR of 79%, the maximum false discovery rate is only 1%. However, the 95%CI is wide and the lower bound of the CI for the EDR, 27%, allows for 14% false discoveries.

When the ODR matches the EDR, there is no evidence of publication bias. In this case, we can improve the estimates by fitting all p-values, including the non-significant ones. With a tighter CI for the EDR, we see that the 95%CI for the maximum FDR ranges from 1% to 3%. Thus, we can be confident that no more than 5% of the significant results wit alpha = .05 are false discoveries. Readers can therefore continue to use alpha = .05 to look for interesting discoveries in Matsumoto’s articles.

Figure 3 shows the results for a different type of researcher who took a risk and studied weak effect sizes with small samples. This produces many non-significant results that are often not published. The selection for significance inflates the observed discovery rate, but the z-curve plot and the comparison with the EDR shows the influence of publication bias. Here the ODR is similar to Figure 1, but the EDR is only 11%. An EDR of 11% translates into a large maximum false discovery rate of 41%. In addition, the 95%CI of the EDR includes 5%, which means the risk of false positives could be as high as 100%. In this case, using alpha = .05 to interpret results as discoveries is very risky. Clearly, p < .05 means something very different when reading an article by David Matsumoto or Shelly Chaiken.

Rather than dismissing all of Chaiken’s results, we can try to lower alpha to reduce the false discovery rate. If we set alpha = .01, the FDR is 15%. If we set alpha = .005, the FDR is 8%. To get the FDR below 5%, we need to set alpha to .001.

A uniform criterion of FDR < 5% is applied to all researchers in the rankings below. For some this means no adjustment to the traditional criterion. For others, alpha is lowered to .01, and for a few even lower than that.

The rankings below are based on automatrically extracted test-statistics from 40 journals (List of journals). The results should be interpreted with caution and treated as preliminary. They depend on the specific set of journals that were searched, the way results are being reported, and many other factors. The data are available (data.drop) and researchers can exclude articles or add articles and run their own analyses using the z-curve package in R (

I am also happy to receive feedback about coding errors. I also recommended to hand-code articles to adjust alpha for focal hypothesis tests. This typically lowers the EDR and increases the FDR. For example, the automated method produced an EDR of 31 for Bargh, whereas hand-coding of focal tests produced an EDR of 12 (Bargh-Audit).

And here are the rankings. The results are fully automated and I was not able to cover up the fact that I placed only #188 out of 400 in the rankings. In another post, I will explain how researchers can move up in the rankings. Of course, one way to move up in the rankings is to increase statistical power in future studies. The rankings will be updated again when the 2021 data are available.

Despite the preliminary nature, I am confident that the results provide valuable information. Until know all p-values below .05 have been treated as if they are equally informative. The rankings here show that this is not the case. While p = .02 can be informative for one researcher, p = .002 may still entail a high false discovery risk for another researcher.

Good science requires not only open and objective reporting of new data; it also requires unbiased review of the literature. However, there are no rules and regulations regarding citations, and many authors cherry-pick citations that are consistent with their claims. Even when studies have failed to replicate, original studies are cited without citing the replication failures. In some cases, authors even cite original articles that have been retracted. Fortunately, it is easy to spot these acts of unscientific behavior. Here I am starting a project to list examples of bad scientific behaviors. Hopefully, more scientists will take the time to hold their colleagues accountable for ethical behavior in citations. They can even do so by posting anonymously on the PubPeer comment site.

1Robert A. Emmons538789901.05
2Allison L. Skinner2295981851.05
3David Matsumoto3788379851.05
4Linda J. Skitka5326875822.05
5Todd K. Shackelford3057775822.05
6Jonathan B. Freeman2745975812.05
7Virgil Zeigler-Hill5157274812.05
8Arthur A. Stone3107573812.05
9David P. Schmitt2077871772.05
10Emily A. Impett5497770762.05
11Paula Bressan628270762.05
12Kurt Gray4877969812.05
13Michael E. McCullough3346969782.05
14Kipling D. Williams8437569772.05
15John M. Zelenski1567169762.05
16Amy J. C. Cuddy2128368782.05
17Elke U. Weber3126968770.05
18Hilary B. Bergsieker4396768742.05
19Cameron Anderson6527167743.05
20Rachael E. Jack2497066803.05
21Jamil Zaki4307866763.05
22A. Janet Tomiyama767865763.05
23Benjamin R. Karney3925665733.05
24Phoebe C. Ellsworth6057465723.05
25Jim Sidanius4876965723.05
26Amelie Mummendey4617065723.05
27Carol D. Ryff2808464763.05
28Juliane Degner4356364713.05
29Steven J. Heine5977863773.05
30David M. Amodio5846663703.05
31Thomas N Bradbury3986163693.05
32Elaine Fox4727962783.05
33Miles Hewstone14277062733.05
34Linda R. Tropp3446561803.05
35Rainer Greifeneder9447561773.05
36Klaus Fiedler19507761743.05
37Jesse Graham3777060763.05
38Richard W. Robins2707660704.05
39Simine Vazire1376660644.05
40On Amir2676759884.05
41Edward P. Lemay2898759814.05
42William B. Swann Jr.10707859804.05
43Margaret S. Clark5057559774.05
44Bernhard Leidner7246459654.05
45B. Keith Payne8797158764.05
46Ximena B. Arriaga2846658694.05
47Joris Lammers7286958694.05
48Patricia G. Devine6067158674.05
49Rainer Reisenzein2016557694.05
50Barbara A. Mellers2878056784.05
51Joris Lammers7056956694.05
52Jean M. Twenge3817256594.05
53Nicholas Epley15047455724.05
54Kaiping Peng5667754754.05
55Krishna Savani6387153695.05
56Leslie Ashburn-Nardo1098052835.05
57Lee Jussim2268052715.05
58Richard M. Ryan9987852695.05
59Ethan Kross6146652675.05
60Edward L. Deci2847952635.05
61Roger Giner-Sorolla6638151805.05
62Bertram F. Malle4227351755.05
63George A. Bonanno4797251705.05
64Jens B. Asendorpf2537451695.05
65Samuel D. Gosling1085851625.05
66Tessa V. West6917151595.05
67Paul Rozin4497850845.05
68Joachim I. Krueger4367850815.05
69Sheena S. Iyengar2076350805.05
70James J. Gross11047250775.05
71Mark Rubin3066850755.05
72Pieter Van Dessel5787050755.05
73Shinobu Kitayama9837650715.05
74Matthew J. Hornsey16567450715.05
75Janice R. Kelly3667550705.05
76Antonio L. Freitas2477950645.05
77Paul K. Piff1667750635.05
78Mina Cikara3927149805.05
79Beate Seibt3797249626.01
80Ludwin E. Molina1636949615.05
81Bertram Gawronski18037248766.01
82Penelope Lockwood4587148706.01
83Edward R. Hirt10428148656.01
84Matthew D. Lieberman3987247806.01
85John T. Cacioppo4387647696.01
86Agneta H. Fischer9527547696.01
87Leaf van Boven7117247676.01
88Stephanie A. Fryberg2486247666.01
89Daniel M. Wegner6027647656.01
90Anne E. Wilson7857147646.01
91Rainer Banse4027846726.01
92Alice H. Eagly3307546716.01
93Jeanne L. Tsai12417346676.01
94Jennifer S. Lerner1818046616.01
95Andrea L. Meltzer5495245726.01
96R. Chris Fraley6427045727.01
97Constantine Sedikides25667145706.01
98Paul Slovic3777445706.01
99Dacher Keltner12337245646.01
100Brian A. Nosek8166844817.01
101George Loewenstein7527144727.01
102Ursula Hess7747844717.01
103Jason P. Mitchell6007343737.01
104Jessica L. Tracy6327443717.01
105Charles M. Judd10547643687.01
106S. Alexander Haslam11987243647.01
107Mark Schaller5657343617.01
108Susan T. Fiske9117842747.01
109Lisa Feldman Barrett6446942707.01
110Jolanda Jetten19567342677.01
111Mario Mikulincer9018942647.01
112Bernadette Park9737742647.01
113Paul A. M. Van Lange10927042637.01
114Wendi L. Gardner7986742637.01
115Will M. Gervais1106942597.01
116Jordan B. Peterson2666041797.01
117Philip E. Tetlock5497941737.01
118Amanda B. Diekman4388341707.01
119Daniel H. J. Wigboldus4927641678.01
120Michael Inzlicht6866641638.01
121Naomi Ellemers23887441638.01
122Phillip Atiba Goff2996841627.01
123Stacey Sinclair3277041578.01
124Francesca Gino25217540698.01
125Michael I. Norton11367140698.01
126David J. Hauser1567440688.01
127Elizabeth Page-Gould4115740668.01
128Tiffany A. Ito3498040648.01
129Richard E. Petty27716940648.01
130Tim Wildschut13747340648.01
131Norbert Schwarz13377240638.01
132Veronika Job3627040638.01
133Wendy Wood4627540628.01
134Minah H. Jung1568339838.01
135Marcel Zeelenberg8687639798.01
136Tobias Greitemeyer17377239678.01
137Jason E. Plaks5827039678.01
138Carol S. Dweck10287039638.01
139Christian S. Crandall3627539598.01
140Harry T. Reis9986938749.01
141Vanessa K. Bohns4207738748.01
142Jerry Suls4137138688.01
143Eric D. Knowles3846838648.01
144C. Nathan DeWall13367338639.01
145Clayton R. Critcher6978238639.01
146John F. Dovidio20196938629.01
147Joshua Correll5496138629.01
148Abigail A. Scholer5565838629.01
149Chris Janiszewski1078138589.01
150Herbert Bless5867338579.01
151Mahzarin R. Banaji8807337789.01
152Rolf Reber2806437729.01
153Kevin N. Ochsner4067937709.01
154Mark J. Brandt2777037709.01
155Geoff MacDonald4066737679.01
156Mara Mather10387837679.01
157Antony S. R. Manstead16567237629.01
158Lorne Campbell4336737619.01
159Sanford E. DeVoe2367137619.01
160Ayelet Fishbach14167837599.01
161Fritz Strack6077537569.01
162Jeff T. Larsen18174366710.01
163Nyla R. Branscombe12767036659.01
164Yaacov Schul4116136649.01
165D. S. Moskowitz34187436639.01
166Pablo Brinol13566736629.01
167Todd B. Kashdan3777336619.01
168Barbara L. Fredrickson2877236619.01
169Duane T. Wegener9807736609.01
170Joanne V. Wood10937436609.01
171Daniel A. Effron4846636609.01
172Niall Bolger3766736589.01
173Craig A. Anderson4677636559.01
174Michael Harris Bond37873358410.01
175Glenn Adams27071357310.01
176Daniel M. Bernstein40473357010.01
177C. Miguel Brendl12176356810.01
178Azim F. Sharif18374356810.01
179Emily Balcetis59969356810.01
180Eva Walther49382356610.01
181Michael D. Robinson138878356610.01
182Igor Grossmann20364356610.01
183Diana I. Tamir15662356210.01
184Samuel L. Gaertner32175356110.01
185John T. Jost79470356110.01
186Eric L. Uhlmann45767356110.01
187Nalini Ambady125662355610.01
188Daphna Oyserman44655355410.01
189Victoria M. Esses29575355310.01
190Linda J. Levine49574347810.01
191Wiebke Bleidorn9963347410.01
192Thomas Gilovich119380346910.01
193Alexander J. Rothman13369346510.01
194Francis J. Flynn37872346310.01
195Paula M. Niedenthal52269346110.01
196Ozlem Ayduk54962345910.01
197Paul Ekman8870345510.01
198Alison Ledgerwood21475345410.01
199Christopher R. Agnew32575337610.01
200Michelle N. Shiota24260336311.01
201Malte Friese50161335711.01
202Kerry Kawakami48768335610.01
203Danu Anthony Stinson49477335411.01
204Jennifer A. Richeson83167335211.01
205Margo J. Monteith77376327711.01
206Ulrich Schimmack31875326311.01
207Mark Snyder56272326311.01
208Michele J. Gelfand36576326311.01
209Russell H. Fazio109469326111.01
210Eric van Dijk23867326011.01
211Tom Meyvis37777326011.01
212Eli J. Finkel139262325711.01
213Robert B. Cialdini37972325611.01
214Jonathan W. Kunstman43066325311.01
215Delroy L. Paulhus12177318212.01
216Yuen J. Huo13274318011.01
217Gerd Bohner51371317011.01
218Christopher K. Hsee68975316311.01
219Vivian Zayas25171316012.01
220John A. Bargh65172315512.01
221Tom Pyszczynski94869315412.01
222Roy F. Baumeister244269315212.01
223E. Ashby Plant83177315111.01
224Kathleen D. Vohs94468315112.01
225Jamie Arndt131869315012.01
226Anthony G. Greenwald35772308312.01
227Nicholas O. Rule129468307513.01
228Lauren J. Human44759307012.01
229Jennifer Crocker51568306712.01
230Dale T. Miller52171306412.01
231Thomas W. Schubert35370306012.01
232Joseph A. Vandello49473306012.01
233W. Keith Campbell52870305812.01
234Arthur Aron30765305612.01
235Pamela K. Smith14966305212.01
236Aaron C. Kay132070305112.01
237Steven W. Gangestad19863304113.005
238Eliot R. Smith44579297313.01
239Nir Halevy26268297213.01
240E. Allan Lind37082297213.01
241Richard E. Nisbett31973296913.01
242Hazel Rose Markus67476296813.01
243Emanuele Castano44569296513.01
244Dirk Wentura83065296413.01
245Boris Egloff27481295813.01
246Monica Biernat81377295713.01
247Gordon B. Moskowitz37472295713.01
248Russell Spears228673295513.01
249Jeff Greenberg135877295413.01
250Caryl E. Rusbult21860295413.01
251Naomi I. Eisenberger17974287914.01
252Brent W. Roberts56272287714.01
253Yoav Bar-Anan52575287613.01
254Eddie Harmon-Jones73873287014.01
255Matthew Feinberg29577286914.01
256Roland Neumann25877286713.01
257Eugene M. Caruso82275286413.01
258Ulrich Kuehnen82275286413.01
259Elizabeth W. Dunn39575286414.01
260Jeffry A. Simpson69774285513.01
261Sander L. Koole76765285214.01
262Richard J. Davidson38064285114.01
263Shelly L. Gable36464285014.01
264Adam D. Galinsky215470284913.01
265Grainne M. Fitzsimons58568284914.01
266Geoffrey J. Leonardelli29068284814.005
267Joshua Aronson18385284614.005
268Henk Aarts100367284514.005
269Vanessa K. Bohns42276277415.01
270Jan De Houwer197270277214.01
271Dan Ariely60070276914.01
272Charles Stangor18581276815.01
273Karl Christoph Klauer80167276514.01
274Mario Gollwitzer50058276214.01
275Jennifer S. Beer8056275414.01
276Eldar Shafir10778275114.01
277Guido H. E. Gendolla42276274714.005
278Klaus R. Scherer46783267815.01
279William G. Graziano53271266615.01
280Galen V. Bodenhausen58574266115.01
281Sonja Lyubomirsky53071265915.01
282Kai Sassenberg87271265615.01
283Kristin Laurin64863265115.01
284Claude M. Steele43473264215.005
285David G. Rand39270258115.01
286Paul Bloom50272257916.01
287Kerri L. Johnson53276257615.01
288Batja Mesquita41671257316.01
289Rebecca J. Schlegel26167257115.01
290Phillip R. Shaver56681257116.01
291David Dunning81874257016.01
292Laurie A. Rudman48272256816.01
293David A. Lishner10565256316.01
294Mark J. Landau95078254516.005
295Ronald S. Friedman18379254416.005
296Joel Cooper25772253916.005
297Alison L. Chasteen22368246916.01
298Jeff Galak31373246817.01
299Steven J. Sherman88874246216.01
300Shigehiro Oishi110964246117.01
301Thomas Mussweiler60470244317.005
302Mark W. Baldwin24772244117.005
303Evan P. Apfelbaum25662244117.005
304Nurit Shnabel56476237818.01
305Klaus Rothermund73871237618.01
306Felicia Pratto41073237518.01
307Jonathan Haidt36876237317.01
308Roland Imhoff36574237318.01
309Jeffrey W Sherman99268237117.01
310Jennifer L. Eberhardt20271236218.005
311Bernard A. Nijstad69371235218.005
312Brandon J. Schmeichel65266234517.005
313Sam J. Maglio32572234217.005
314David M. Buss46182228019.01
315Yoel Inbar28067227119.01
316Serena Chen86572226719.005
317Spike W. S. Lee14568226419.005
318Marilynn B. Brewer31475226218.005
319Michael Ross116470226218.005
320Dieter Frey153868225818.005
321G. Daniel Lassiter18982225519.01
322Sean M. McCrea58473225419.005
323Wendy Berry Mendes96568224419.005
324Paul W. Eastwick58365216919.005
325Kees van den Bos115084216920.005
326Maya Tamir134280216419.005
327Joseph P. Forgas88883215919.005
328Michaela Wanke36274215919.005
329Dolores Albarracin54066215620.005
330Elizabeth Levy Paluck3184215520.005
331Vanessa LoBue29968207621.01
332Christopher J. Armitage16062207321.005
333Elizabeth A. Phelps68678207221.005
334Jay J. van Bavel43764207121.005
335David A. Pizarro22771206921.005
336Andrew J. Elliot101881206721.005
337William A. Cunningham23876206422.005
338Laura D. Scherer21269206421.01
339Kentaro Fujita45869206221.005
340Geoffrey L. Cohen159068205021.005
341Ana Guinote37876204721.005
342Tanya L. Chartrand42467203321.001
343Selin Kesebir32866197322.005
344Vincent Y. Yzerbyt141273197322.01
345James K. McNulty104756196523.005
346Robert S. Wyer87182196322.005
347Travis Proulx17463196222.005
348Peter M. Gollwitzer130364195822.005
349Nilanjana Dasgupta38376195222.005
350Jamie L. Goldenberg56877195022.01
351Richard P. Eibach75369194723.001
352Gerald L. Clore45674194522.001
353James M. Tyler13087187424.005
354Roland Deutsch36578187124.005
355Ed Diener49864186824.005
356Kennon M. Sheldon69874186623.005
357Wilhelm Hofmann62467186623.005
358Laura L. Carstensen72377186424.005
359Toni Schmader54669186124.005
360Frank D. Fincham73469185924.005
361David K. Sherman112861185724.005
362Lisa K. Libby41865185424.005
363Chen-Bo Zhong32768184925.005
364Stefan C. Schmukle11462177126.005
365Michel Tuan Pham24686176825.005
366Leandre R. Fabrigar63270176726.005
367Neal J. Roese36864176525.005
368Carey K. Morewedge63376176526.005
369Timothy D. Wilson79865176326.005
370Brad J. Bushman89774176225.005
371Ara Norenzayan22572176125.005
372Benoit Monin63565175625.005
373Michael W. Kraus61772175526.005
374Ad van Knippenberg68372175526.001
375E. Tory. Higgins186868175425.001
376Ap Dijksterhuis75068175426.005
377Joseph Cesario14662174526.001
378Simone Schnall27062173126.001
379Joshua M. Ackerman38053167013.01
380Melissa J. Ferguson116372166927.005
381Laura A. King39176166829.005
382Daniel T. Gilbert72465166527.005
383Charles S. Carver15482166428.005
384Leif D. Nelson40974166428.005
385David DeSteno20183165728.005
386Sandra L. Murray69760165528.001
387Heejung S. Kim85859165529.001
388Mark P. Zanna65964164828.001
389Nira Liberman130475156531.005
390Gun R. Semin15979156429.005
391Tal Eyal43962156229.005
392Nathaniel M Lambert45666155930.001
393Angela L. Duckworth12261155530.005
394Dana R. Carney20060155330.001
395Garriy Shteynberg16854153130.005
396Lee Ross34977146331.001
397Arie W. Kruglanski122878145833.001
398Ziva Kunda21767145631.001
399Shelley E. Taylor42769145231.001
400Jon K. Maner104065145232.001
401Gabriele Oettingen104761144933.001
402Nicole L. Mead24070144633.01
403Gregory M. Walton58769144433.001
404Michael A. Olson34665136335.001
405Fiona Lee22167135834.001
406Melody M. Chao23757135836.001
407Adam L. Alter31478135436.001
408Sarah E. Hill50978135234.001
409Jaime L. Kurtz9155133837.001
410Michael A. Zarate12052133136.001
411Jennifer K. Bosson65976126440.001
412Daniel M. Oppenheimer19880126037.001
413Deborah A. Prentice8980125738.001
414Yaacov Trope127773125738.001
415Oscar Ybarra30563125540.001
416William von Hippel39865124840.001
417Steven J. Spencer54167124438.001
418Martie G. Haselton18673115443.001
419Shelly Chaiken36074115244.001
420Susan M. Andersen36174114843.001
421Dov Cohen64168114441.001
422Mark Muraven49652114441.001
423Ian McGregor40966114041.001
424Hans Ijzerman2145694651.001
425Linda M. Isbell1156494150.001
426Cheryl J. Wakslak2787383559.001

“Psychological Science” in 2020

Psychological Science is the flagship journal of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). In response to the replication crisis, D. Stephen Lindsay worked hard to increase the credibility of results published in this journal as editor from 2014-2019 (Schimmack, 2020). This work paid off and meta-scientific evidence shows that publication bias decreased and replicability increased (Schimmack, 2020). In the replicability rankings, Psychological Science is one of a few journals that show reliable improvement over the past decade (Schimmack, 2020).

This year, Patricia J. Bauer took over as editor. Some meta-psychologists were concerned that replicability might be less of a priority because she did not embrace initiatives like preregistration (New Psychological Science Editor Plans to Further Expand the Journal’s Reach).

The good news is that these concerns were unfounded. The meta-scientific criteria of credibility did not change notably from 2019 to 2020.

The observed discovery rates were 64% in 2019 and 66% in 2020. The estimated discovery rates were 58% in 2019 and 59%, respectively. Visual inspection of the z-curves and the slightly higher ODR than EDR suggests that there is still some selection for significant result. That is, researchers use so-called questionable research practices to produce statistically significant results. However, the magnitude of these questionable research practices is small and much lower than in 2010 (ODR = 77%, EDR = 38%).

Based on the EDR, it is possible to estimate the maximum false discovery rate (i.e., the percentage of significant results where the null-hypothesis is true). This rate is low with 4% in both years. Even the upper limit of the 95%CI is only 12%. This contradicts the widespread concern that most published (significant) results are false (Ioannidis, 2005).

The expected replication rate is slightly, but not significantly (i.e., it could be just sampling error) lower in 2020 (76% vs. 83%). Given the small risk of a false positive result, this means that on average significant results were obtained with the recommended power of 80% (Cohen, 1988).

Overall, these results suggest that published results in Psychological Science are credible and replicable. However, this positive evaluations comes with a few caveats.

First, null-hypothesis significance testing can only provide information that there is an effect and the direction of the effect. It cannot provide information about the effect size. Moreover, it is not possible to use the point estimates of effect sizes in small samples to draw inferences about the actual population effect size. Often the 95% confidence interval will include small effect sizes that may have no practical significance. Readers should clearly evaluate the lower limit of the 95%CI to examine whether a practically significant effect was demonstrated.

Second, the replicability estimate of 80% is an average. The average power of results that are just significant is lower. The local power estimates below the x-axis suggest that results with z-scores between 2 and 3 (p < .05 & p > .005) have only 50% power. It is recommended to increase sample sizes for follow-up studies.

Third, the local power estimates also show that most non-significant results are false negatives (type-II errors). Z-scores between 1 and 2 are estimated to have 40% average power. It is unclear how often articles falsely infer that an effect does not exist or can be ignored because the test was not significant. Often sampling error alone is sufficient to explain differences between test statistics in the range from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.

Finally, 80% power is sufficient for a single focal test. However, with 80% power, multiple focal tests are likely to produce at least one non-significant result. If all focal tests are significant, there is a concern that questionable research practices were used (Schimmack, 2012).

Readers should also carefully examine the results of individual articles. The present results are based on automatic extraction of all statistical tests. If focal tests have only p-values in the range between .05 and .005, the results are less credible than if at least some p-values are below .005 (Schimmack, 2020).

In conclusion, Psychological Science has responded to concerns about a high rate of false positive results by increasing statistical power and reducing publication bias. This positive trend continued in 2020 under the leadership of the new editor Patricia Bauer.

Once a p-hacker, always a p-hacker?

The 2010s have seen a replication crisis in social psychology (Schimmack, 2020). The main reason why it is difficult to replicate results from social psychology is that researchers used questionable research practices (QRPs, John et al., 2012) to produce more significant results than their low-powered designs warranted. A catchy term for these practices is p-hacking (Simonsohn, 2014).

New statistical techniques made it possible to examine whether published results were obtained with QRPs. In 2012, I used the incredibility index to show that Bem (2011) used QRPs to provide evidence for extrasensory perception (Schimmack, 2012). In the same article, I also suggested that Gailliot, Baumeister, DeWall, Maner, Plant, Tice, and Schmeichel, (2007) used QRPs to present evidence that suggested will-power relies on blood glucose levels. During the review process of my manuscript, Baumeister confirmed that QRPs were used (cf. Schimmack, 2014). Baumeister defended the use of these practices with a statement that the use of these practices was the norm in social psychology and that the use of these practices was not considered unethical.

The revelation that research practices were questionable casts a shadow on the history of social psychology. However, many also saw it as an opportunity to change and improve these practices (Świątkowski and Dompnier, 2017). Over the past decades, the evaluation of QRPs has changed. Many researchers now recognize that these practices inflate error rates, make published results difficult to replicate, and undermine the credibility of psychological science (Lindsay, 2019).

However, there are no general norms regarding these practices and some researchers continue to use them (e.g., Adam D. Galinsky, cf. Schimmack, 2019). This makes it difficult for readers of the social psychological literature to identify research that can be trusted or not, and the answer to this question has to be examined on a case by case basis. In this blog post, I examine the responses of Baumeister, Vohs, DeWall, and Schmeichel to the replication crisis and concerns that their results provide false evidence about the causes of will-power (Friese, Loschelder , Gieseler , Frankenbach & Inzlicht, 2019; Inzlicht, 2016).

To examine this question scientifically, I use test-statistics that are automatically extracted from psychology journals. I divide the test-statistics into those that were obtained until 2012, when awareness about QRPs emerged, and those published after 2012. The test-statistics are examined using z-curve (Brunner & Schimmack, 2019; Bartos & Schimmack, 2020). Results provide information about the expected replication rate and discovery rate. The use of QRPs is examined by comparing the observed discovery rate (how many published results are significant) to the expected discovery rate (how many tests that were conducted produced significant results).

Roy F. Baumeister’s replication rate was 60% (53% to 67%) before 2012 and 65% (57% to 74%) after 2012. The overlap of the 95% confidence intervals indicates that this small increase is not statistically reliable. Before 2012, the observed discovery rate was 70% and it dropped to 68% after 2012. Thus, there is no indication that non-significant results are reported more after 2012. The expected discovery rate was 32% before 2012 and 25% after 2012. Thus, there is also no change in the expected discovery rate and the expected discovery rate is much lower than the observed discovery rate. This discrepancy shows that QRPs were used before 2012 and after 2012. The 95%CI do not overlap before and after 2012, indicating that this discrepancy is statistically significant. Figure 1 shows the influence of QRPs when the observed non-significant results (histogram of z-scores below 1.96 in blue) is compared to the model prediction (grey curve). The discrepancy suggests a large file drawer of unreported statistical tests.

An old saying is that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. So, the more interesting question is whether the younger contributors to the glucose paper changed their research practices.

The results for C. Nathan DeWall show no notable response to the replication crisis (Figure 2). The expected replication rate increased slightly from 61% to 65%, but the difference is not significant and visual inspection of the plots suggests that it is mostly due to a decrease in reporting p-values just below .05. One reason for this might be a new goal to p-hack at least to the level of .025 to avoid detection of p-hacking by p-curve analysis. The observed discovery rate is practically unchanged from 68% to 69%. The expected discovery rate increased only slightly from 28% to 35%, but the difference is not significant. More important, the expected discovery rates are significantly lower than the observed discovery rates before and after 2012. Thus, there is evidence that DeWall used questionable research practices before and after 2012, and there is no evidence that he changed his research practices.

The results for Brandon J. Schmeichel are even more discouraging (Figure 3). Here the expected replication rate decreased from 70% to 56%, although this decrease is not statistically significant. The observed discovery rate decreased significantly from 74% to 63%, which shows that more non-significant results are reported. Visual inspection shows that this is particularly the case for test-statistics close to zero. Further inspection of the article would be needed to see how these results are interpreted. More important, The expected discovery rates are significantly lower than the observed discovery rates before 2012 and after 2012. Thus, there is evidence that QRPs were used before and after 2012 to produce significant results. Overall, there is no evidence that research practices changed in response to the replication crisis.

The results for Kathleen D. Vohs also show no response to the replication crisis (Figure 4). The expected replication rate dropped slightly from 62% to 58%; the difference is not significant. The observed discovery rate dropped slightly from 69% to 66%, and the expected discovery rate decreased from 43% to 31%, although this difference is also not significant. Most important, the observed discovery rates are significantly higher than the expected discovery rates before 2012 and after 2012. Thus, there is clear evidence that questionable research practices were used before and after 2012 to inflate the discovery rate.


After concerns about research practices and replicability emerged in the 2010s, social psychologists have debated this issue. Some social psychologists changed their research practices to increase statistical power and replicability. However, other social psychologists have denied that there is a crisis and attributed replication failures to a number of other causes. Not surprisingly, some social psychologists also did not change their research practices. This blog post shows that Baumeister and his students have not changed research practices. They are able to publish questionable research because there has been no collective effort to define good research practices and to ban questionable practices and to treat the hiding of non-significant results as a breach of research ethics. Thus, Baumeister and his students are simply exerting their right to use questionable research practices, whereas others voluntarily implemented good, open science, practices. Given the freedom of social psychologists to decide which practices they use, social psychology as a field continuous to have a credibility problem. Editors who accept questionable research in their journals are undermining the credibility of their journal. Authors are well advised to publish in journals that emphasis replicability and credibility with open science badges and with a high replicability ranking (Schimmack, 2019).

Why Frontiers Should Retract Baumeister’s Critique of Carter’s Meta-Analysis

This blog post is heavily based on one of my first blog-posts in 2014 (Schimmack, 2014).  The blog post reports a meta-analysis of ego-depletion studies that used the hand-grip paradigm.  When I first heard about the hand-grip paradigm, I thought it was stupid because there is so much between-subject variance in physical strength.  However, then I learned that it is the only paradigm that uses a pre-post design, which removes between-subject variance from the error term. This made the hand-grip paradigm the most interesting paradigm because it has the highest power to detect ego-depletion effects.  I conducted a meta-analysis of the hand-grip studies and found clear evidence of publication bias.  This finding is very damaging to the wider ego-depletion research because other studies used between-subject designs with small samples which have very low power to detect small effects.

This prediction was confirmed in meta-analyses by Carter,E.C., Kofler, L.M., Forster, D.E., and McCulloch,M.E. (2015) that revealed publication bias in ego-depletion studies with other paradigms.

The results also explain why attempts to show ego-depletion effects with within-subject designs failed (Francis et al., 2018).  Within-subject designs increase power by removing fixed between-subject variance such as physical strength.  However, given the lack of evidence with the hand-grip paradigm it is not surprising that within-subject designs also failed to show ego-depletion effects with other dependent variables in within-subject designs.  Thus, these results further suggest that ego-depletion effects are too small to be used for experimental investigations of will-power.

Of course, Roy F. Baumeister doesn’t like this conclusion because his reputation is to a large extent based on the resource model of will-power.  His response to the evidence that most of the evidence is based on questionable practices that produced illusory evidence has been to attack the critics (cf. Schimmack, 2019).

In 2016, he paid to publish a critique of Carter’s (2015) meta-analysis in Frontiers of Psychology (Cunningham & Baumeister, 2016).   In this article, the authors question the results obtained by bias-tests that reveal publication bias and suggest that there is no evidence for ego-depletion effects.

Unfortunately, Cunningham and Baumeister’s (2016) article is cited frequently as if it contained some valid scientific arguments.

For example, Christodoulou, Lac, and Moore (2017) cite the article to dismiss the results of a PEESE analysis that suggests publication bias is present and there is no evidence that infants can add and subtract. Thus, there is a real danger that meta-analysts will use Cunningham & Baumeister’s (2016) article to dismiss evidence of publication bias and to provide false evidence for claims that rest on questionable research practices.

Fact Checking Cunningham and Baumeister’s Criticisms

Cunningham and Baumeister (2016) claim that results from bias tests are difficult to interpret, but there criticism is based on false arguments and inaccurate claims.

Confusing Samples and Populations

This scientifically sounding paragraph is a load of bull. The authors claim that inferential tests require sampling from a population and raise a question about the adequacy of a sample. However, bias tests do not work this way. They are tests of the population, namely the population of all of the studies that could be retrieved that tested a common hypothesis (e.g., all handgrip studies of ego-depletion). Maybe more studies exist than are available. Maybe the results based on the available studies differ from results if all studies were available, but that is irrelevant. The question is only whether the available studies are biased or not. So, why do we even test for significance? That is a good question. The test for significance only tells us whether bias is merely a product of random chance or whether it was introduced by questionable research practices. However, even random bias is bias. If a set of studies reports only significant results, and the observed power of the studies is only 70%, there is a discrepancy. If this discrepancy is not statistically significant, there is still a discrepancy. If it is statistically significant, we are allowed to attribute it to questionable research practices such as those that Baumeister and several others admitted using.

“We did run multiple studies, some of which did not work, and some of which worked better than others. You may think that not reporting the less successful studies is wrong, but that is how the field works.” (Roy Baumeister, personal email communication) (Schimmack, 2014).

Given the widespread use of questionable research practices in experimental social psychology, it is not surprising that bias-tests reveal bias. It is actually more surprising when these tests fail to reveal bias, which is most likely a problem of low statistical power (Renkewitz & Keiner, 2019).

Misunderstanding Power

The claims about power are not based on clearly defined constructs in statistics. Statistical power is a function of the strength of a signal (the population effect size) and the amount of noise (sampling error). Researches skills are not a part of statistical power. Results should be independent of a researcher. A researcher could of course pick procedures that maximize a signal (powerful interventions) or reduce sampling error (e.g., pre-post designs), but these factors play a role in the designing of a study. Once a study is carried out, the population effect size is what it was and the sampling error is what it was. Thus, honestly reported test statistics tell us about the signal-to-noise ratio in a study that was conducted. Skillful researchers would produce stronger test-statistics (higher t-values, F-values) than unskilled researchers. The problem for Baumeister and other ego-depletion researchers is that the t-values and F-values tend to be weak and suggest questionable research practices rather than skill produced significant results. In short, meta-analysis of test-statistics reveal whether researchers used skill or questionable research practices to produce significant results.

The reference to Morey (2013) suggests that there is a valid criticism of bias tests, but that is not the case. Power-based bias tests are based on sound statistical principles that were outlined by a statistician in the journal American Statistician (Sterling, Rosenbaum, & Weinkam, 1995). Building on this work, Jerry Brunner (professor of statistics) and I published theorems that provide the basis of bias tests like TES to reveal the use of questionable research practices (Brunner & Schimmack, 2019). The real challenge for bias tests is to estimate mean power without information about the population effect sizes. In this regard, TES is extremely conservative because it relies on a meta-analysis of observed effect sizes to estimate power. These effect sizes are inflated when questionable research practices were used, which makes the test conservative. However, there is a problem with TES when effect sizes are heterogeneous. This problem is avoided by alternative bias tests like the R-Index that I used to demonstrate publication bias in the handgrip studies of ego-depletion. In sum, bias tests like the R-Index and TES are based on solid mathematical foundations and simulation studies show that they work well in detecting the use of questionable research practices.

Confusing Absence of Evidence with Evidence of Absence

PET and PEESE are extension of Eggert’s regression test of publication bias. All methods relate sample sizes (or sampling error) to effect size estimates. Questionable research practices tend to introduce a negative correlation between sample size and effect sizes or a positive correlation between sampling error and effect sizes. The reason is that significance requires a signal to noise ratio of 2:1 for t-tests or 4:1 for F-tests to produce a significant result. To achieve this ratio with more noise (smaller sample, more sampling error), the signal has to be inflated more.

The novel contribution of PET and PEESE was to use the intercept of the regression model as an effect size estimate that corrects for publication bias. This estimate needs to be interpreted in the context of the sampling error of the regression model, using a 95%CI around the point estimate.

Carter et al. (2015) found that the 95%CI often included a value of zero, which implies that the data are too weak to reject the null-hypothesis. Such non-significant results are notoriously difficult to interpret because they neither support nor refute the null-hypothesis. The main conclusion that can be drawn from this finding is that the existing data are inconclusive.

This main conclusion does not change when the number of studies is less than 20. Stanley and Doucouliagos (2014) were commenting on the trustworthiness of point estimates and confidence intervals in smaller samples. Smaller samples introduce more uncertainty and we should be cautious in the interpretation of results that suggest there is an effect because the assumptions of the model are violated. However, if the results already show that there is no evidence, small samples merely further increase uncertainty and make the existing evidence even less conclusive.

Aside from the issues regarding the interpretation of the intercept, Cunningham and Baumeister also fail to address the finding that sample sizes and effect sizes were negatively correlated. If this negative correlation is not caused by questionable research practices, it must be caused by something else. Cunningham and Baumeister fail to provide an answer to this important question.

No Evidence of Flair and Skill

Earlier Cunningham and Baumeister (2016) claimed that power depends on researchers’ skills and they argue that new investigators may be less skilled than the experts who developed paradigms like Baumeister and colleagues.

However, they then point out that Carter et al.’s (2015) examined lab as a moderator and found no difference between studies conducted by Baumeister and colleagues or other laboratories.

Thus, there is no evidence whatsoever that Baumeister and colleagues were more skillful and produced more credible evidence for ego-depletion than other laboratories. The fact that everybody got ego-depletion effects can be attributed to the widespread use of questionable research practices that made it possible to get significant results even for implausible phenomena like extrasensory perception (John et al., 2012; Schimmack, 2012). Thus, the large number of studies that support ego-depletion merely shows that everybody used questionable research practices like Baumeister did (Schimmack, 2014; Schimmack, 2016), which is also true for many other areas of research in experimental social psychology (Schimmack, 2019). Francis (2014) found that 80% of articles showed evidence that QRPs were used.

Handgrip Replicability Analysis

The meta-analysis included 18 effect sizes based on handgrip studies.   Two unpublished studies (Ns = 24, 37) were not included in this analysis.   Seeley & Gardner (2003)’s study was excluded because it failed to use a pre-post design, which could explain the non-significant result. The meta-analysis reported two effect sizes for this study. Thus, 4 effects were excluded and the analysis below is based on the remaining 14 studies.

All articles presented significant effects of will-power manipulations on handgrip performance. Bray et al. (2008) reported three tests; one was deemed not significant (p = .10), one marginally significant (.06), and one was significant at p = .05 (p = .01). The results from the lowest p-value were used. As a result, the success rate was 100%.

Median observed power was 63%. The inflation rate is 37% and the R-Index is 26%. An R-Index of 22% is consistent with a scenario in which the null-hypothesis is true and all reported findings are type-I errors. Thus, the R-Index supports Carter and McCullough’s (2014) conclusion that the existing evidence does not provide empirical support for the hypothesis that will-power manipulations lower performance on a measure of will-power.

The R-Index can also be used to examine whether a subset of studies provides some evidence for the will-power hypothesis, but that this evidence is masked by the noise generated by underpowered studies with small samples. Only 7 studies had samples with more than 50 participants. The R-Index for these studies remained low (20%). Only two studies had samples with 80 or more participants. The R-Index for these studies increased to 40%, which is still insufficient to estimate an unbiased effect size.

One reason for the weak results is that several studies used weak manipulations of will-power (e.g., sniffing alcohol vs. sniffing water in the control condition). The R-Index of individual studies shows two studies with strong results (R-Index > 80). One study used a physical manipulation (standing one leg). This manipulation may lower handgrip performance, but this effect may not reflect an influence on will-power. The other study used a mentally taxing (and boring) task that is not physically taxing as well, namely crossing out “e”s. This task seems promising for a replication study.

Power analysis with an effect size of d = .2 suggests that a serious empirical test of the will-power hypothesis requires a sample size of N = 300 (150 per cell) to have 80% power in a pre-post study of will-power.



Baumeister has lost any credibility as a scientist. He is pretending to engage in a scientific dispute about the validity of ego-depletion research, but he is ignoring the most obvious evidence that has accumulated during the past decade. Social psychologists have misused the scientific method and engaged in a silly game of producing significant p-values that support their claims. Data were never used to test predictions and studies that failed to support hypotheses were not published.

“We did run multiple studies, some of which did not work, and some of which worked better than others. You may think that not reporting the less successful studies is wrong, but that is how the field works.” (Roy Baumeister, personal email communication)

As a result, the published record lacks credibility and cannot be used to provide empirical evidence for scientific claims. Ego-depletion is a glaring example of everything that went wrong in experimental social psychology. This is not surprising because Baumeister and his students used questionable research practices more than other social psychologists (Schimmack, 2018). Now he is trying to to repress this truth, which should not surprise any psychologist familiar with motivated biases and repressive coping. However, scientific journals should not publish his pathetic attempts to dismiss criticism of his work. Cunningham and Baumeister’s article provides not a single valid scientific argument. Frontiers of Psychology should retract the article.


Carter,E.C.,Kofler,L.M.,Forster,D.E.,and McCulloch,M.E. (2015).A series of meta-analytic tests of the depletion effect: Self-control does not seem to rely on a limited resource. J. Exp.Psychol.Gen. 144, 796–815. doi:10.1037/xge0000083