Conduct Your Own Replicability Analysis

You can download an excel spreadsheet to conduct your own replicability analysis.


The most important columns are L (which.statistical.test), O (df1), P(df2), Q(test.statistic), and R (Success).

L (which statistical test): 
Enter F,t,z,chisq

Enter experimenter df for F, enter 1 or leave blank for other tests.

Enter participant df for F and t and df for chi^2

Q(test statistic)
Enter actual F,t,z, or chi^2 value

Enter whether result was counted as success or not.
(Entering marginal significant as success results in negative R-Index for this study)
(Entering marginal significant as failure results in very high R-Index, that is probably not justified).
(If in doubt, do not enter marginally significant results or enter with 0.5 for success).

Feel free to post questions in the comment section or email me.



1 thought on “Conduct Your Own Replicability Analysis

  1. Thank you! I was wondering that often power analysis is done with simulations, do you get same post-hoc power results with this?

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