Replicability Ranking of 27 Psychology Journals (2015)

Click on this link to see the latest rankings for over 100 Psychology Journals for 2015.

The replicability rankings below are based on post-hoc power analyses of published results. The method is explained in more detail elsewhere.  More detailed results and time trends can be found by clicking on the hyperlink of a journal.  The ranking for the average replicability score in 2010-2014 and 2015 is r = .66, indicating that there are reliable differences in replicability between journals.  Movements by more than 10 percentage points are marked with an arrow.

Rank Journal Area 2010-2014 2015 Grade
1 Developmental Psychology DEV 0.63 0.76 B↑
2 Cognitive Psychology COG 0.72 0.74 B
3 JEP: Human Percpetion and Performance COG 0.72 0.71 B
4 Judgment and Decision Making COG 0.66 0.70 B
5 J. Experimental Psych: Learning, Memory, Cognition COG 0.69 0.70 B-
6 JPSP: Personality Process & Individual Differences PER 0.56 0.70 B↑
7 Journal of Memory & Language COG 0.67 0.69 C
8 Social Psychology Personality Science SOC 0.51 0.68 C↑
9 Journal of Experimental Psychology: General GEN 0.63 0.67 C
10 Cognition & Emotion EMO 0.64 0.67 C
11 Social Psychology SOC 0.61 0.66 C
12 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology GEN 0.69 0.65 C
13 Journal of Positive Psychology GEN 0.53 0.63 C
14 Psychology and Aging DEV 0.67 0.59 D
15 Child Development DEV 0.63 0.58 D
16 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology SOC 0.48 0.55 D
17 Psychological Science GEN 0.56 0.54 D
18 Developmental Science DEV 0.58 0.53 D
19 European Journal of Social Psychology SOC 0.55 0.52 D
20 Emotion EMO 0.61 0.52 D↓
21 Personal Relationships SOC 0.52 0.52 D
22 JPSP: Attitude & Social Cognition SOC 0.51 0.51 D
23 JPSP:Interpersonal Relationships & Group Processes SOC 0.48 0.50 D
24 British Journal of Social Psychology SOC 0.48 0.50 D
25 Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin SOC 0.50 0.46 F
26 Journal of Social & Personal Relationships SOC 0.56 0.39 F
27 Social Cognition SOC 0.54 0.35 F

2 thoughts on “Replicability Ranking of 27 Psychology Journals (2015)

  1. Reblogged this on peakmemory and commented:
    Given all the attention the Association for Psychological Science has given the issue of replication, it was surprising to see their flagship journal Psychological Science received a grade of D.

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